How to reach Ib Nagar Ring Road Bus Stop

In this article, you will know all the routes to reach lb nagar ring road bus stop. 

Let’s start the journey…

Public Transport:


  • Numerous Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) buses ply on LB Nagar Ring Road, making it the most widespread and affordable option. Here are some options depending on your direction:
    • From Mehdipatnam/Secunderabad: Take buses like 156L, 90L/229, 119R, 165K, 165Z, 49M, or any bus mentioning “LB Nagar Ring Road” or “LB Nagar Metro Station.”
    • From Dilsukhnagar/Vanastalipuram: Opt for buses like 13K, 119V, 143R, 71, or any bus mentioning “LB Nagar Ring Road” or “LB Nagar Metro Station.”
    • From other directions: Look for buses mentioning “LB Nagar Ring Road” in their route, or ask commuters or TSRTC personnel for specific buses based on your starting point.


  • LB Nagar Metro Station lies right next to the Ring Road bus stop. If your starting point is accessible by metro, it offers a fast and convenient option.

Other Options:


  • Book a cab through Ola, Uber, or local providers for a hassle-free journey directly to the bus stop. Ideal with luggage, short on time, or prioritizing convenience. Inform the driver about the specific side of the ring road you want to reach (Secunderabad side/Dilsukhnagar side) for the closest possible drop-off.
    • Travel time: 10-15 minutes depending on traffic. 
    • Cost: Most expensive option, fares vary based on distance and chosen car type.

Auto Rickshaws:

  • Suitable for short distances within LB Nagar or surrounding areas.
    • Drop-off Point: Autos can drop you off at various points depending on your preferred side of the road and specific bus route. 
    • Travel time: 5-10 minutes depending on distance and traffic. 
    • Cost: Affordable for short trips, fare negotiation required.


  • Feasible if staying within walking/cycling distance (less than 1 km) from the bus stop. 


You can use any of the above transportation modes to reach lb nagar ring road bus stop hassle-free.

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